21 day challenge


Begin incorporating something new into your life.

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Each challenge is to be done by itself weekly. When you complete them all, you do them together for 21 days to incorporate them into your life.

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Imagen del libro 'La Llamada del Día'

Introducing to 21-Day Challenge

Hi Everyone, welcome to the #21DayChallenge! We call it a 21-day challenge because it is widely known that it takes 21 days to begin incorporating something new into one's life.

I am giving you short and easy sayings to put into action that will assist you in forming thoughts and actions that will aid you and ground you into understanding this new journey we are on. They are simple but subtle, powerful ways of seeing and directing your life through these times.
They are a new set of glasses that can bring you much JOY. Challenges 1 through 4 go one after the other in sequence. One feeds the next.
These first four can be done with your children as well. Stay Tuned and Enjoy!

Challenge #1: Take a Moment to Pause

Certain foundations will help make our lives easier and more grounded in our new world. These should be a part of our daily lives. Take a Moment to Pause Why? We want to start checking in with our inner selves. Exercise: Watch this Morning Ritual Video or you can do your own meditation. This focuses you as you take a moment to pause for yourself before you start your day:

  1. 01.Get quiet
  2. 02.How do I feel today, and what are my intentions?
  3. 03.Acknowledge and move forward in the positive
  4. 04.If you are experiencing stress throughout your day, take a Moment to Pause, breathe in on 4, and exhale, sounding the OM sound to stop any stress or panic.
  5. 05.At the end of the day, pause and take a moment for yourself, alone in total silence. Make this a time for Reflection, Nurturing, and Stillness.
  6. 06.Evaluate your day. - through journaling
  7. 07.Always take a moment to pause and reflect before making any big decisions.
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Complement this challenge with our Morning Ritual Tool

Imagen del desafío de 21 días

Sound the root chime by lightly tapping your chime and hold to your ears about 3 inches from head. Then chime again bringing it over your head and down to your feet and around your body. (Continue to keep it about 2 to 3 inches from the body)Then to your feet and up to the crown.Then do the same with your Crown Chakra chime, except on the last chime bring it from your crown down into the root. What this does is ground you firmly into the ground and then brings the light from above into the body.Then set your chimes aside - From the I AM cards pull a card for yourself. Put on an aromatherapy oil and or spray your sage mist.


Challenge #2: Stop, Look & Listen

It's not just for traffic signs. It’s how you use pausing time and reflection, which will help with intuition. Exercise: Start paying attention to your surroundings.
Pick one thing to focus on. Example: A tree. Stop and focus on that tree only. Look at all the elements of the tree. What does its trunk and bark look like, its branches, its leaves? What makes it different from the other trees? Is it healthy, or does it need anything?
Close your eyes and listen to what the tree is conveying to you. This exercise helps you to bring in more awareness of things. It teaches you to look at the whole picture and not just a piece of the puzzle.
For me personally, at the end of each day, I will (STOP) take note (LOOK) at what was positive and what was negative or non-serving in my day and (LISTEN) to what felt right and what didn’t. I will keep the positives and throw out the negatives. Then empty the trash.
There is no need to store this in our thought process. Each day, pick something different to focus on.

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Challenge #3: Intuition is God's Imprint on the Soul

Imagen del desafío de 21 días

Intuition is by far one of the most important tools of this period. It is a must! Without it, you will be just flapping your wings.
This is God’s Given truth, given to all of us.
All answers come from it. Foundations 1 and 2 are there to help guide you to pay attention and listen so you can begin utilizing your intuition. There is a whole sacred world that lies within this. Intuition is our barometer to sense what feels right and what doesn’t. It is an inner instinct in our Sixth Sense. So how do we find this? You have to get quiet and go within.
It’s about feeling and sensing, not thinking.
Listen to what your gut is telling you.
The feeling will lead you to more knowledge.
Exercise: Go for a walk in nature.
Take your shoes off and feel the wholeness of the earth.
Close your eyes and feel a part of this; know you are one.
Go deeper into the feeling and listen to what the world is sharing with you.
What is your intuition picking up? What is the message you are getting from this experience? This is your intuition at play. I also invite you to take a day in pure silence so you can become the watcher and listen to your intuitive feelings and thoughts.

Complement this challenge with our Intuition Gift Set

Intuition Gift Set w/ Candle:

  1. 01.Selenite: Selenite is a high vibration stone known to keep you calm, grounded and protected. Cleanses the body and crystals.
  2. 02.Clear Quartz - Is all about spiritual growth. Recharges your physical, emotional and spiritual self. A master healer for all areas of one's being. Supports the entire energetic system. Used in meditation as it brings great clarity. The #1 crystal for everyone.
  3. 03.Amethyst - Brings deep spiritual connection. Promotes higher states of consciousness. Brings calming, nurturing and alleviates stress and anxiety.
  4. 04.Citrine - Raises creativity and energy levels. Brings sense of ones sel. Helps one to manifest.
  5. 05.Sodalite - Strengthens Intuition
  6. 06.Also includes: Abalone Shell
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Challenge #4: Stay Awake, Aware and in Prayer

Imagen del desafío de 21 días

Stay Awake, Aware, and in Prayer: Staying awake Means awakening to all of your senses, including your intuition and connection to your inner, higher self.
Stay aware by stopping, looking, and listening.

You will pay attention to your feelings and all your surroundings.
Prayer: Through intuition, you find the importance of prayer. Prayer doesn’t mean you are asking for something. It is a time to connect with the divine energy source.
You are joining the flow of energy of the universal source of All That Is. Through this connection, all truth lies, and miracles happen.

We ask God for assistance in healing us and providing healing and assistance wherever needed in the world.

Complement this challenge with our Meditation & Prayer Set

Intuition Gift Set w/ Candle:

  1. 01.Selenite: Selenite is a high vibration stone known to keep you calm, grounded and protected. Cleanses the body and crystals.
  2. 02.Clear Quartz - Is all about spiritual growth. Recharges your physical, emotional and spiritual self. A master healer for all areas of one's being. Supports the entire energetic system. Used in meditation as it brings great clarity. The #1 crystal for everyone.
  3. 03.Amethyst - Brings deep spiritual connection. Promotes higher states of consciousness. Brings calming, nurturing and alleviates stress and anxiety.
  4. 04.Citrine - Raises creativity and energy levels. Brings sense of ones sel. Helps one to manifest.
  5. 05.Sodalite - Strengthens Intuition
  6. 06.Also includes: Abalone Shell
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