Inner Sanctuary
Today - I will be the flower in the garden and will nurture it with great care, so I can grow.
I will steer away from the weeds that try and inhibit me.
I will live my personal truth with courage and integrity at all times.
Today I will use my intuition, remembering that it was given to me by my creator to guide me.
I will remember through surrender, I will find humility and through my humility I will find grace.
I will remember on a daily basis that I always have a choice. That Happiness is an inside job; I can choose whatever state I wish to be in.
I will remember that The Magic comes when one decides to take the leap of faith!
Today I will see things through the eyes of Love.
I will be the listener today and come from a heart of compassion.
I will move through my day today with Grace and Ease.
I will remind myself on a daily basis that I am worthy of all things. Nobody can take my worth from me unless I allow it.
I will look for what I can contribute today, instead of what I might receive.
I will take a moment to pause and observe the beautiful world around me. I will do my part to preserve it.
I will remember – Less is more.
I will practice letting go of others’ comments or judgments and will not allow them to rent space in my head.
I will choose my thoughts and words with great care, as I am the creator of my own reality.
I will remember - If it doesn’t flow, it doesn’t go!
I won’t try and make it fit.
I will remember life is a gift - use it wisely.
Most of all I Am Grateful for every waking moment! I will remember to always carry this in my heart.