The J.O.Y. Book List

Read. Recommend. Love.

Some of these are old now but all speak some important truth’s that never age. They have taught me so many things. They are staples in my library.

  1. Dan Millman
    1. The Peaceful Warrior (CD - A must beginner’s movie)
    2. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
    3. No Ordinary Moments: A Peaceful Warriors Guide to Daily Life
    4. The Life You Were Born to Live

  2. Wayne Dyers
    1. You Will See It When You Believe It
    2. The Power of intention
    3. Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life
      (Any and all of Wayne Dyer’s books. These 3 are my favorites.)

  3. Richard Bach
    1. Jonathon Livingston Seagull
    2. Illusions
    3. Running From Safety
    4. One

  4. Jodi Hershey
    1. The Call of the Day
    2. The Call of the Day Workbook

  5.  Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements

  6. Eckhart Tolle
    1. The Power of Now
    2. Stillness Speaks
    3. A New Earth Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

  7. Alan Cohen – The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

  8. Louise Hay – You Can Heal Your Life

  9. Marianne Williamson – A Course In Miracles

  10. Michael Singer – The Untethered Soul

  11. Og Mendino
    1. The Greatest Salesman In The World
    2. The Choice

  12. Greg Braden
    1. The Divine Matrix
    2. The Spontaneous Healing Of Belief
    3. Awakening to Zero Point

  13. Marlo Morgan – Mutant Message Down Under

  14. Jane Roberts – The Seth Material
    (All Jane Roberts books are great! This one is my favorite.)

  15. Esther and Jerry Hicks
    1. The Law Of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
    2. Ask and It Is Given

  16. Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

  17. Anodea Judith – Eastern Body Western Mind

  18. Dadi Janki – Inside Out
    (My Bible – Very hard to get. You have to go to Google: Type in “The Brahma Kumaris Website + London England” & go to the store.)

  19. Ram Dass – Be Here Now

  20. Laozi – Tao Te Ching

  21. Kahlil Gibran – The Prophet

  22. James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy

  23. Paramahans – The Autobiography of a Yogi

  24. Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

  25. Neale Donald Walsh - Conversations With God


  1. Andea Judith – Wheels of Life

  2. Cindi Dale – The Complete Book of Chakras

Organic Gardening

  1. Machaelle Small Wright
    1. Perelandra Garden
    2. Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered

  2. The Findhorn Community – The Findhorn Garden

Herbal Healing

  1. Phyllis A. Balch CNC – Prescriptions for Herbal Healing

  2. Eliot Cowan – Plant Spirit Medicine

Aroma Therapy

  1. Ravi Ratan – Handbook of Aromatherapy


  1. Melody – Love Is In The Earth